Want to beat the Singapore heat during this circuit breaker – while also helping out a local business owner? Well, now you can! Buy #IceCreamHipsters ice pops now!

It all started during the circuit breaker period, when Ms Fazrina Zainol’s stall – selling Indonesian street food putu bambu at Yishun’s Junction Nine mall – was forced to shut down.
#IceCreamHipsters: An Origin Story

After shutting down their stall at Yishun, they are unable to continue business on that front, she and her family turned their efforts towards making and selling colourful ice pops instead – the perfect treat for Singaporeans stuck inside in the sweltering heat!
These vibrant desserts are inspired by air batu, and they look delicious.

Providing Jobs for Those Affected by COVID-19 Closures
Ms Fazrina is looking for people to help her collate orders and market the ice pops – particularly those who have lost their jobs due to the COVID-19 situation. If you, or anyone you know, is in need of a job, you may want to consider reaching out!
Choose from 58 Different Flavours

If you want to support the #IceCreamHipsters ice pop business, all you have to do is place an order. Simply WhatsApp Ms Fazrina at +65 8742 6537 to do so! Flavours range from Singapore childhood flavours like Solero and Paddle Pop to more modern flavours like Flurry Blueberry and Red Velvet White.

Even traditional tastes like Red Bean and Bandung are available. And – for those of you who haven’t tasted durian this durian season – they have Durian, too! Prices range from $1.50 to $3, and honestly, it’s so worth it.
Just ask the satisfied customers who bought 5000 ice pops over the last 4 months.

Support The Thriving S’pore Family During Circuit Breaker
Don’t these look amazing? You can see all of their 58 different flavours on their Facebook page, which is here.
What are you waiting for? Order yours today, orders can be placed through her WhatsApp number also available on their Facebook page.
Source: Mustsharenews.com
Read: Uncle Lim’s Traditional Singapore Ice Cream Is Now Taking Online Orders And Offering Delivery!