
Here’s How You Can Make Fluffy & Delicious Castella Sponge Cake Using A Rice Cooker!

Soft & Fluffy

Hello, foodies! What recipes have you been trying out at home? Whether you are a baker or a cook, there’s plenty of recipes that have us all scratching our heads trying to follow the instructions. Fret not, because we have yet another easy-to-make recipe for you to try – Castella Sponge Cake! Plus, no-oven needed!


Make This Delicious Castella Sponge Cake Using A Rice Cooker

Photo: Leslie Koh (Facebook)

Cakes are one of the most delectable desserts we can possibly eat. There are so many types of cakes: chocolate cakes, jelly cakes, cheesecakes; simply put, life is too short to not eat cake. Never mind that you can’t go out to buy cakes because you can now make them at home! Make this Castella Sponge Cake right now because all you need is your rice cooker!

Here’s What You Will Need To Make Castella Sponge Cake

Photo: Leslie Koh (Facebook)


  • 75g self raising flour or cake flour
  • 30g sugar
  • 35g fresh milk
  • 20g vegetable oil
  • 40g honey
  • 1 tsp lemon juice
  • 4 eggs

Part A

Photos: Leslie Koh (Facebook)

Step 1: Using four eggs, separate yolks and whites.

Step 2: Add 35g fresh milk to egg yolks.

Step 3: Then, add 20g vegetable oil.

Step 4: Next, add 40g honey.

Part B (Mixture I)

Photos: Leslie Koh (Facebook)

Step 5: Sift in half of the flour into the egg yolk mixture.

Step 6: Mix it well.

Step 7: Sift the remaining half of the flour into the mixture.


Step 8: Mix well again to make sure everything is incorporated.

Part C (Mixture II)

Photos: Leslie Koh (Facebook)

Step 9: Add 1 tsp lemon juice to the egg whites.

Step 10: Using a whisk, mix until you see white foam.


Step 11: Add in 30g sugar.

Step 12: Whisk entire mixture until stiff peaks form.

Part D

Photos: Leslie Koh (Facebook)

Step 13: Gently fold (Mixture II) into (Mixture I), using a spatula or a whisk.


Step 14: Then, pour combined mixture into the rice cooker pot.

Step 15: Tap the rice cooker pot onto table to get rid of air bubbles and to even out the cake batter.

Part E

Photos: Leslie Koh (Facebook)

Step 16: Press ‘Start’ on rice cooker.

Step 17: Cook for 40-60 minutes. To check if cake is fully cooked, use a toothpick. The cake is done when you remove the toothpick and it comes out clean.

Step 18: Allow cake to cool for 15 minutes.

Step 19: Flip the rice cooker pot over onto a plate to remove cake. And, enjoy! 

Photos: Leslie Koh (Facebook)

This recipe is from Leslie Koh.

Read: Here’s How To Make This Delicious No-Bake Oreo Cheesecake That’s Perfect For Oreo Lovers

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